Beauty Boot Camp

boot-camp2 Day Beauty Workshop!

  • Get expert guidance learning how to apply make-up yourself.
  • Learn tricks to turn daytime make-up into evening glam.
  • Gain confidence with intimidating techniques like applying lashes and liner.
  • Be sure about what  will make you look your best.
  • Document your new looks on a personalized face chart for future reference.

When:  March 23rd & 24th 2017

Where: 270 King St. Midland, ON.

Time: 6pm-8pm

Cost: $200.00

(Make-up will be provided but feel free to bring your make-up and we’ll go through it with you).

Reserve your spot now!  Spaces are limited.



Morning Make-up Hack

We know the morning routine…  If you are anything like us you want to have time to enjoy your morning coffee, get everything done without rushing and look fabulous heading out the door.


simplifying your beauty routine is key to fitting in the time for everything that needs to get done and being able to look great, feel confident and arrive on time.

Here’s what you’ll need to do:  first of all, organize your stuff and get rid of what you don’t use and what’s too old to use etc.

Then apply…

  1.  Tinted moisturizer!  Its a two in one.  Perfect.  Put it on all over your face.  They are available for all skin types.slide-1
  2. Concealer.  Add some extra coverage in areas and under the eyes.2
  3. Cream blush.  Work it into the apples of your cheeks.intro-totalbeauty-logo-best-blush-face-shape
  4. mascara.  Define those lashes and enhance your eyes.mascara
  5. Lipgloss. A sheer shade is easiest to


A Powder compact is always useful.  Throw a translucent colourless powder in your purse to cut shine throughout the day.  It’s also a portable mirror.

*extras can always be added like eyeliner, bronzer and maybe some shadow if so inclined*


Picture Perfect

medium-skin-2Here are some suggestions for looking great in photos. You won’t mind being tagged on social media for once.

image (52)-One of the best ways to look cute is to smeyes. This
means smile with your eyes (a slight squint). Try it! It works.

medium-skin-6-Chin out. Press your tongue to the roof of your mouth
to stay away from appearing like you have a double chin.
(Or to lessen the look of one in general).
olive-skin-1-It’s important to go a bit darker in your application. What shows up in natural daylight may not be enough for flash photography or dim light. Define the lash line with mascara and eyeliner and add some cheek contour with a matte bronzer.

olive-skin-4-Use colour correctors under your eyes and on any spots to need extra coverage. You won’t need to layer on as much base to hide these areas
which with keep you from creasing and looking cakey.

image (42)-Keep matte. It’s pretty to have some shine on cheekbones but keep the centre of your face matte by applying powder to your T-zone area. This will help to avoid greasy looking skin.

aj-Stay away from HD powders to avoid the Angelina Jolie
makeup mishap where chalky patches appeared on her face for her photo op.
Go for a translucent pressed powder that I can keep in my purse for touch ups.

lipgloss-Lip gloss is one of my faves but for pics, I would only apply gloss in the center of the lip to give dimension and to avoid losing the definition of the lip line. You can also achieve a 3D lip by lining with a pencil one shade darker than your
natural lip colour, filling in with a lipstick and choosing a lighter lip shade or
matte concealer blended into the center of the lip.

eyes-Eye drops to alleviate redness. Brightening up the whites of your eyes always helps to make a better picture. So many of the photo apps include this feature for this reason.

olive-skin-2-Steer clear or hard edges. Blending is essential to looking less made up and softer in photos.

Follow these steps and you’ll be looking cover worthy. Or at the
least, you’ll get a great new profile pic.

Little Effort/Big Impact


A quick and easy guide to a polished day look.

Don’t get overwhelmed with make-up trends and variety of products out there. All you really have to do is zero in on YOU!  Doesn’t everyone want a day look that won’t take much time to achieve every morning? I suggest  forgoing eyeshadow and putting the emphasis on your lips. Using lipstick is a quick and easy way to change your look daily, seasonally and play around with some trends. Keep the smokey eye for an evening out. Now all that’s left to do is choose a shade and here’s how; First of all, a good way to ensure that you achieve an appealing look is by following the “Classical Theory”; matching your lip colour to your cheek colour (you could also use your lipstick on your cheeks). The next thing you should do is consider your skin tone. So here is a guide for what colours are best suited for you.  Lastly, swipe a few coats of your favorite mascara on your lashes and
head out the door.

Fair skin

Burns easily and looks somewhat transparent. Choose baby pinks for a ‘pick me up’
soft peaches for some warmth and sheer plums for a more dramatic approach. Look for shades with a cooler/blue undertone.

Medium skin


burns than tans, veins aren’t so visible. Go for Raspberry pink for a natural
flush, apricots for a warm glow and mauves for a soft romantic appeal.

Olive skin

Tans easily and tends to have a greenish undertone. Looks most flattering in rose colours for a natural fresh face, orangey peaches for a healthy glow and bronzes to brighten up the skin and add warmth (can also be used for a natural looking contour).
**adjust the depth of each shade according to the fairness or darkness of your olive skin.**

Dark skin

 Can hold a lot of pigment and brighter shades. For a natural look, pick a warm brick
or terra cotta colour, don’t be afraid of a pure orange or bright tangerine as they are very
flattering for dark skin. Raisin colours, again more of a natural shade that could also be used as contour. Stick to warm/yellow-peachy undertones, anything too cool will read ashy.

Now one last suggestion. To create a bit more interest when matching your cheek and lip colours, try to use opposite textures. Like opt for a shimmery blush and a matte lip, or vice versa. If you are playing with some of the bolder trend lipstick colours, don’t match your blush. Instead take a cue from the undertone of the colour (warm or cool) and intensity of the colour and then resort to the suggestions in the skin tone guide.


This was one of the best weeks of my life. My makeup brushes touched the faces of Julia Sweeney, John Legend and Al Gore, just to name a few. These extraordinary people were speakers at TEDTalks 2016 in Vancouver, BC. Every day incredible scientists, writers, professors, archaeologists, mathematicians, lawyers, humanitarians, actors and singers who make our world a better place, inspired me and captivated the audience with their talks. Thank you TEDTalks for giving me this blessed opportunity to work among insanely talented people, a major highlight in my career as a makeup artist. I will remember this experience and cherish the memories forever.IMG_9972